The Unity Temple in Oak Park is a beautiful space. It perfectly emphasizes the combination or art and religion because it was designed by famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright.

Unlike most of the other visits I have made to spiritual spaces this semester, photography and video recording were highly encouraged. The community of Universal Unitarians who celebrate in this space are very proud of the building's history and design. Perhaps the neatest aspect about the design of this particular space was the placement of the doors to the sanctuary. Franks Lloyd Wright wanted for the exit doors of the sanctuary space to face the front so that the congregation's back wo

uld never be to the altar. He therefore designed the sanctuary with two sets of doors: one for entering and one for exiting. Besides the fascinating doors, the rest of the building has beautiful designs that are very typical to Wright's designs. The man who showed me around this space was Lutheran. He said that the congregation was very open and he personally liked to attend services when the Unity Temple choir sang.
Here is a video of inside Unity Temple. Check out Frank Lloyd Wright's design!
Here is the Unity Temple Website:
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